Dial 2-1-1 To Get The Resources You Need
Bridge Street on Newschannel 9
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As connectivity becomes increasingly important, the United Way is simplifying the connection between the public and essential agencies and resources.
By dialing 2-1-1, community members can access resources for help with a plethora of issues including housing, financial, medical, and counseling services just to name a few.
“We help connect people to the resources that are out there that can help
them stay in their homes or move to a new home,” said Katie Lemery-White, Program Manager for 211CNY staffed by Contact Community Services.
The most common calls the service receives are questions about housing, from those having trouble paying rent, utilities, or facing eviction.
Phones are answered around-the-clock for those seeking help.
211 has been around for years, and awareness of its availability
has been spread mostly through the grape vine, according to Nancy Kern Eaton, President of the United Way of Central New York .
“I don’t know about you, but my problems seem most significant at 2 o’clock in the morning,” Kern Eaton said. “People can have answers when they need them.”
To get answers about resources, dial 2-1-1 or visit them online at 211CNY.com.